Friday, October 26, 2012

IMT Des Moines Half Marathon

Last Monday we did our final 12 mile run.  It was probably too late and too close to the half, but we completed our final big run.

Well, Sunday was the day.  It was forecasted to be perfect weather: 47 degrees, 5-7 mph winds, temp rise to 53 at finish line.  Bill got up and was ready to go after stretching and eating a light breakfast.  We had our race numbers, nutrition, garbage bags, and a running bag ready to go.  Thinking it may be a bit chilly, we also packed pants and a long sleeve shirt for the finish line.  We headed down to Des Moines and were on our way!

We found the start line and the pacers.  I figured we'd be around 2:10-2:15 finish and was excited to see a 2:10 pace group.  It was a bit chilly start so a warm up lap around a couple blocks was very welcome.  We did some more stretching in the skywalk, too.  The garbage bags helped keep us warm.  There were plenty of portapotties with plenty of people in line.  I think it was nerves, but Bill wanted to get back in line about 10 min before shotgun.  He quickly learned why we visited earlier.  While finding our place in the line up, Bill found a few familiar faces and was excited to share his experience with them.  We never did see them again, however.

The gun went off and of course it was slow-going to the starting mat, about 4 minutes.  It was great to get running.  Along the way I had mentally planned out the water stops and was briefing Bill on the method of how to pass through them.  I think we did quite well getting through them and I was pleasantly surprised how many there were!  Everyone always talks about how long and lonely Waterworks Park and around the lake is for the marathon.  Yes, I can understand that seeing it now.

We had been following the 4:30 marathon pace group along with the 2:10 pacer.  When the half and the full split, obviously the 4:30 pacer left as well.  I kept looking for the 2:10 pace as we had left him within the first mile.  We never did see the pacer again, but heard he finished around 2:12.

Around mile 4 Bill commented that his knees were starting to hurt.  I thought uh-oh! This is going to be a long run and I knew I had to keep him going through the end.  I figured the last few miles would be tough and I'd have to start talking a lot to distract him toward the end.  I kept looking over at him to see how he was doing.  For the most part he kept good form throughout so I knew he wasn't completely miserable.

I think it helped that he often ran part of the course during lunch at work.  The part he was most familiar with was toward the end so he was able to talk about that between miles 9-12ish.  I kept looking at my watch to be sure we weren't going to fast or too slow.  There was a mile where he really slowed down, about a minute slower than usual.  I thought he would walk, but he did keep going.  I was about 10 steps in front of him and he wasn't moving up with me.  I finally meandered through the crowd and met up with him again and he said he just needed a break.

As we ran by the street along the lake, we finally turned and went over a bridge.  There was a lady sitting along the side of the bridge lying there with a few medical people assisting her.  I don't think I have ever seen anyone so white and still conscious!  I felt bad for her, but was glad there were knowledgeable people helping her.

Once we got through the lake area and back on the streets, it seemed to go slower.  I just kept looking at my watch.  I knew we were close, easily within a couple miles of the finish line.  I wanted to speed up, but Bill kept hanging back a bit.  We met up with another runner that we knew, but she dropped off when my phone rang - my mom, wondering how the run went.  We had about a 1/2 mile left.  We rounded the corner to the final stretch and I suggested to Bill that we try to pass a few people before we get there.  He just looked at me and kept the same pace.  Alrighty.

We crossed the finish line at 2:10:08.  It was a great day!  It was so much fun to cross that line with him.  I asked Bill if he would do another one, "Yeah, I think I could do that."

today's mileage: 12+13.1 miles running
weekly mileage: 25 miles running
monthly mileage: 55 miles running
annual mileage: 505 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 928

Monday, October 15, 2012

Putting the sun to bed

I have been gone for the past 5 days to meetings and conferences so running has really been put on the back burner.  Because of all this, I have had to sit and be sedentary and eat lots of great food provided at the luncheons and breakfasts.  Yes, I know I could have declined, but I really have no will power at all when good food is put in front of me.  So, needless to say I have gained at least a pound a day with all these meetings and conferences.

Tonight I got home from the last conference day, and comparatively early I might add!  I walked in the door and Bill said, "OK, Mommy and Daddy are going running..."  What?  We are?  ok, I guess.  How far are we going?  12 miles?!  I know we missed the long weekend run, but we should be tapering to Sunday's half marathon now.  This could be interesting!

It was a beautiful night.  Mostly clear skies, light cooling breeze from the SSE, and a magnificent sunset.  About mile 7 we watched the sun go down behind the horizon.  I knew it would get cooler, but it was still relaxing and beautiful to see the sunset.  What a great way to close out the evening.  What a great way to finish up the last long run before Bill's big event!  What a great way to end a long week, albeit Monday.

today's mileage: 15 miles running
weekly mileage: 15 miles running
monthly mileage: 30 miles running
annual mileage: 482 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 903

Sunday, October 7, 2012

a little behind

This week has really gotten away on me, or shall I say it's running away from me!  I actually ran twice this past week.

Wednesday Bill and I ran 5 miles in Boone when we dropped everyone off at CCD.  I got a heavy burden discussed.  I can't say I cleared my mind, but I organized my thoughts a bit more and got a lot of junk off my chest.

Speaking of chest, I have been fighting off a nasty cold that has been trying to settle in my chest.  It was a tough run, but it went pretty fast.  Then, a cold front came through.

Saturday we headed out on a 10-miler.  It was 24 degrees when we started.The body works better in cool temps, but wow, that was about a 50 degree drop in temps!  That run was much better.  I was expecting the worst, given the temps, wind, health, lack of prerun warm up.  Bill made it all the way through the 10 miles without stopping!

today's mileage: 5+10 miles running
weekly mileage: 15 miles running
monthly mileage: 15 miles running
annual mileage: 467 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 888