Monday, April 8, 2013


The weather was beautiful today!  That's just what I needed to boost my spirits.  I even took my students outside today and we soaked up the sun while they worked on their assignment.  Ahhhh, I love the first warm day.

Bill wrote me today and said he ran to Ellsworth!  What?!  He went out without me? and did 8 miles?!  Hmph.  I told him I wanted to run with him after school.  He said he was pretty pooped and suggested a bike ride since it was so warm out.  Yeah, that's what I need.  I've been in the mood for a bike ride.  I've looked at my bike sitting lonely in the basement all winter.  It's time to get that out and ride!

He got the tired pumped up, everything ready to go and we left when I got home.  I felt like I just got on the bike brand new and had never ridden before.  I love that bike, but we had to get reacquainted again.  I had to relearn the gears/shifting.  By the time we made it about 4 miles into the ride I was back at it like last fall.  It was good to get out for a ride.  We only did 10 miles, but it was a good inaugural ride for the year.

When we got back to the driveway, we dropped everything, made a few changes, and then headed out for a run.  I forgot how heavy my feet are after the bike.  By the time we got back to the driveway, my feet were really stomping.  I couldn't help myself.  Anything I did wouldn't make them stop stomping.  We ran at sub 9:00 pace.  We were winded, but couldn't imagine we were going that fast.  BRicks are definitely something I need to work on.  I just can't judge my pace coming off the bike; I always go too fast.  We had planned to do 2 miles, but were beat at one mile.  The inaugural BRick was a good short distance, but we made it.

Temperature: 72 degrees
Weather:  winds SE 17, overcast
Motivation level: 7
Energy level: 5
Today's Quote: "I run because somehow I've never felt stronger than when I thought I couldn't take another step."

today's mileage: 1 mile running; 10 miles riding
weekly mileage: 1 miles running; 10 miles riding
monthly mileage: 17 miles running; walking 68 miles; 10 miles riding
annual mileage: 110 miles running; 90 miles walking; 10 miles riding; 0 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 210 miles

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Mental Hill

I just realized I am one mile away from the 200s.  Shoulda run one more this morning.

I set up a running date with someone new for this morning.  She only needed 6 so I met her for the second half of 12.  I think this is the perfect pace for me.  Her goal for a 1/2 marathon was 2 hours and she's signed up for D2D.  She likes to run about 9:30-10:00.

The first half of the run this morning Bill and I set out and it was really rough.  We walked a lot and really didn't think I could finish the run.  I felt obligated to this person to finish the last 6 miles.  Bill stopped and went home about the first 6.  The second 6 I really pushed myself and we had negative splits until we hit the strong gusty headwinds.  Back in town we finished strong.

It felt great to finish 12 today.  The quote today kept ringing in my mind as I struggled through the run.  I was glad to have made it to the top of my mountain today.

Temperature: 49 degrees
Weather:  gusty winds, SE 19, threat of thunderstorms
Motivation level: 4
Energy level: 3
Today's Quote: "I'd rather be standing at the top of the hill that I just dominated unable to breathe, ready to puke, hair matted to my forehead, than at the bottom wondering what it would feel like."

today's mileage: 12 mile running
weekly mileage: 16 miles running
monthly mileage: 16 miles running; walking 5 miles
annual mileage: 109 miles running; 90 miles walking; 0 miles riding; 0 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 199 miles

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life

What a beautiful afternoon for a run.  OK so it was a little cool.  I wore capri tights and a tank top anyway.  I was a little cool, but it was perfect!

We've had some horrible bombshells dropped on us the past 4 months and the most recent has made us appreciate what we have.  Our run conversation focused on this.  While there is icky stuff happening in our lives, we appreciate where we are and what we are able to do in spite of it all!

Rachael has been pushing me to do some exercises with her in the evenings.  It's a different one each time and the last one really shocked my muscles.  Holy cow!  My calves have hurt for the past couple of days.  I had to get out and get a run in to work out the kinks.  I didn't want to do 5 miles, but I did want to get out.  We ended up with 4.

The run started with 10:41and I felt like I was pulling Bill along the entire way.  We finished with a 8:31 pace, however.  Yeah, that's what I like.  Life is good.

Temperature: 44 degrees
Weather:  light winds, wind chill 36
Motivation level: 7
Energy level: 8
Today's Quote: That's the thing about running; your greatest runs are rarely measured by race success.  They are moments in time which allow you to see how wonderful your life is.

today's mileage: 4 mile running
weekly mileage: 4 miles running
monthly mileage: 4 miles running; walking 3 miles
annual mileage: 93 miles running; 90 miles walking; 0 miles riding; 0 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 183 miles