Sunday, April 29, 2012

Splish Splash

Well, I didn't get out Saturday like I wanted to, so I set a goal of Sunday.  I was a bit bummed not running Drake this year, but it was cold, windy, and rainy so I guess it was a good year to sit out.  The winds were about 38 mph ESE.  That would be about the last 1/2 or so of running Drake.  Some good PRs were set, however.

I didn't wake up to get out on the pavement.  I didn't get out after lunch like I wanted too either.  Blairsburg citywide garage sales called to me in the early afternoon so I didn't get out after lunch.  ACK, will I ever get out running?!  As we were coming back from the garages sales (got some amazing deals!) the windshield was starting to get wet.  What?  It wasn't supposed to rain today!  The closer we got to home, the harder it rained.  ????  Darn it!

Nonetheless, got home, changed into some warmer running clothes, and headed out.  It was about 47 degrees, raining, and about 18mph SE winds.  Yeah, I can do this.  I only had 5 miles planned.  No, I didn't meet my goals this week, but I figured a June marathon is out of the question now anyway; I'll just get back into it slowly the way I should be doing it.  Rachael and I ran in a heavy drizzle and Bill biked a little ways.  We finally met up again about a block from home.  He was in the van!  Rachael and I were pretty much soaked, running into the wet wind and sweating the remaining dry clothes.  I was overdressed for sure.  We splashed a few holes and got splashed by a few cars passing us.

All in all, it was a good run.  We averaged 9:30 pace, which is a "sweet spot" for me.  We didn't waiver more than 10 seconds on either side of that and our fastest mile was the last mile.  I have somehow lost my ANT for my watch so I have just been saving the runs on the watch for the past 4 months or so.  :(  I can replace it for a price so we are looking to do that.  I really really miss looking at all the data online.    I'm sure this will be very handy with the biking as well.  Can't wait to replace it!

today's mileage: 5 miles running
weekly mileage: 10 miles running; 12 miles riding
monthly mileage: 16 miles running; 12 miles riding
annual mileage: 210 miles running; 12 miles riding
TOTAL mileage: 222

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Criss-Cross Applesauce

No, I didn't buy a new bike, I bought TWO new bikes!!  We got Cannondale Synapse 5 bikes.  Mine is champaign color (purple of course sold me on the bike lol), and Bill's is a white, also his favorite.  Bill said he hated when I was training for my first marathon and how miserable that was for him.  So, when I train for (???) ride he wants to be WITH me.  He didn't want to have to try to keep up with a cheap, 20-year-old department store mountain bike while I'm on my really cool road bike.  Great!  I'm glad he wants to do this with me.  I can't wait to train with him.  This is so exciting!

This is the official start to my [criss]-cross training.  I am hoping this will make my running faster, easier, and more efficient.  This is something I have wanted to do for nearly 3 years now.  It was about that long ago that I walked into the bike shop and looked at some cool bikes.  Although they tried to put me in a hybrid and a mountain bike at the time, I did sit on a Cannondale road bike and loved the feel of it.  Since I wasn't serious, due to the crazy sticker price, I just sat on it and didn't take it out to the parking lot or anything.  It has taken me that long to come back and be ok with the price.  The salesperson was great and VERY patient with my silly questions.  I'm sure it was very obvious that I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I was determined with what I wanted to do and the quality of bike I wanted to get into.  I am in awe how light these bikes are.  wow.

We brought them home and went for a short 4-mile ride to get used to them out on the road.  I felt like I was learning to ride all over again.  The gearing was very different than riding through the parking lot and I felt like the tires were quite slippery.  I strapped my Garmin to see our distance and speed (actually it was pace as I have it set to running).
Today we went out riding for 3 miles or so to push it a little.  Bill is on call and can't be very far from home.  I wanted to really go out and see how much I could push the bike.  I strapped on the Garmin to the bike so I could be vigilant to the pace and distance.  I am trying to figure out how fast I am really going.  This may take a bit.  My bad math tells me I was averaging around 16-18mph.  Considering there was a 35mph ESE wind, that was ok.  After about 3 miles of messing around town, I went out on the Ethanol Loop that I typically run.  That felt really good.  My HR was around 158ish.  I figure I run about 165-170 average so that was a good rate for me.  I felt like I wanted to go faster, but I had it set on the highest gear spinning as fast as I could.

Another observation I made is that tend to run with my calves and bike with my thighs.  When I get really tired, my calves are the muscles that get achy on runs.  On the contrary, when I was into the wind  pushing as much as I could, my thighs were feeling the tug.  I'm ready to get out on the open road and do some more serious biking with Bill!  I have a colleague who has recently gotten into biking and sprint tris.  She mentioned she's a slow biker, about 20mph.  wow, not sure I can keep up to her.  I am feeling good about my very brief start, though.

today's mileage: 8 miles riding
weekly mileage: 5 miles running; 12 miles riding
monthly mileage: 11 miles running; 12 miles riding
annual mileage: 205 miles running; 12 miles riding
TOTAL mileage: 217

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mind vs Body

Well, the mind was strong but the body was weak.  I tried an Ethanol Loop tonight.  I really really wanted it to work, but my body isn't quite ready yet.  The legs were working great and wanted to run.  My mind was ready to push through about anything.  The chest was screaming, "STOP! You fool."  ack.  I listened to the body.

The weirdest thing was that I finally have a pretty good feel with my Garmin for where my best HR pace is.  VardoTriChic you're proud, right?  lol  For some reason I kept a close eye on my HR tonight.  I have determined that around 165 is my best pace.  I can do 170, but I start working then.  175 I'm feeling it.  180 I know my body will shut down in a short time!  After a couple miles I couldn't keep my HR below 175.  I did a lot of walking.  :(  This was very frustrating as I felt great, but couldn't keep it going.  If felt like if I was running, my HR would soar.  I couldn't run slowly enough to keep it low and still have a conversation.  Maybe my body is still trying to get rid of toxins.

I should maybe mention that it was around 82 degrees today and heat index probably a little higher.  I'm sure that didn't help!  I went through about 10-12 oz beverage in those 5 miles.  Sweating does not even begin to describe how hot I was.

today's mileage: 5 miles
weekly mileage: 5 miles
monthly mileage: 11 miles
annual mileage: 205 miles

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Will it work?

I rested another week.  I have been having nagging headaches that Ibuprofen won't cure for the past 4-5 days.  It may be the result of other factors, but it is there, concerning me.  I almost didn't run, but went out anyway to see if it would work today.

3 miles felt great.  I wasn't stomping like I was last week.  I wish I knew the variable that made me do that.  I always have a good run if I don't stomp.  This was true today.  I didn't do much stretching and didn't take music or anything else with me.  I did however take the Garmin to be sure I wasn't going to fast.  It was a good, easy 9:29 average pace.

About mile 2.7 I started getting a mild headache and stomach ache, but I think the stomach was due to eating a handful of carrots before I left.  oops.  The headache was a bit concerning, but I pushed through it.  At the end I stopped and the world wasn't turning so that was good.  I walked a bit to cool down and was still feeling good.  By the end of the short walk I thought I could do this!

Maybe this week I could get in a couple Ethanol Loops and see how that goes.  I don't think I'll start up where I left off a month ago, but maybe push for an 8-10 mile run next weekend.  I'll see how that goes and then build up from there.  This would still give me a chance to do Dam to Dam and an early summer marathon. Whoohoo!

today's mileage: 3 miles
weekly mileage: 3 miles
monthly mileage: 6 miles
annual mileage: 200 miles

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Naked Run

On March 31 I was coming home from a date with Matt in Ames, feel asleep and went in the ditch, jumped a field entrance, flew 70 feet and landed on the other side. Stress and fatigue are getting to me! This is (one reason) why I run. For the past couple of weeks I have fought migranes, nausea, dizziness. I had been sleeping for over 17 hours a day. Running has not been on my allowable list.

Today Bill took me on short 3-mile run. It really felt good to get out and run. I had no watch, no GPS, no HR monitor, no music, no running belt. It was just a water bottle, me, Bill, and Mother Nature. The winds were quite strong as we have been having turbulent weather this weekend, but we forged through the short run.

I realized there was no way I could do Drake this year and I am concerned about other races as well. :(

today's mileage: 3 miles
weekly mileage: 3 miles
monthly mileage: 3 miles
annual mileage: 197 miles

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Roland 5K

Noelle wanted to run a 5K with me this morning so we entered the one in Randall. They were trying to raise money for a new athletic complex for the community. She was excited to be able to run with me so it was a good bonding time for her.

She started off REALLY fast, as I expected she would, 7:14 pace. I tried really hard to get her to slow down. We eventually got down to a 8:30ish pace, still really fast! She was tired about .6 miles into it. She pushed really hard through about 2 miles, walking a bit. Then we did the walk a block, run a block method. She had to go potty really bad so that was some motivation to keep her going. lol We ran the last 3 blocks, but she didn't have a fast run in her. :) She finished in about 34 minutes.

Part of the entrance fee was a pancake breakfast. I think this was the highlight of her run! She really enjoyed the eating afterward and talking to other people. I had fun running with her, but I think she's more of a sprinter than a distance runner.

today's mileage: 3 miles
weekly mileage: 8 miles
monthly mileage: 64 miles
annual mileage: 194 miles