Friday, November 30, 2012

7 miles ending under 7

Yep, that's right Bill and I went out with an average 9:40 pace and ending our 7 mile run with a 6:57 pace!   I have been having problems pushing through the first 3 miles, but then my body settles down and I feel like I could go forever after that.  Love that feeling!

today's mileage: 7 miles running
weekly mileage: 7 miles running
monthly mileage: 38 miles running
annual mileage: 543 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 954

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Postcaloric Intake

Well we got home today from Thanksgiving break and yes, it was definitely time to get out for a run.  We didn't take any running clothes with us so just sat around and ate all week!

The first couple miles have been tough lately, but then they get really easy and I feel like I could go much farther.  I mainly just wanted to get out a burn off a few pieces of chocolate.  Yes, I ate a TON of chocolate this week.  It's a great stress reliever.

today's mileage: 5 miles running
weekly mileage: 10 miles running
monthly mileage: 31 miles running
annual mileage: 536 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 947

Precaloric intake

Tuesday we decided we should head out for a run before heading to the table.  We did a quick Ethanol Loop and packed up the van!  It was a great Thanksgiving Day with family and we counted our blessings.  I am really enjoying running with Bill and having time with him.

today's mileage: 5 miles running
weekly mileage: 5 miles running
monthly mileage: 26 miles running
annual mileage: 531 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 942

Saturday, November 17, 2012

New sunrise

This week starts new beginnings for our family.  Wednesday Bill and I went out for a 5-mile Ethanol Loop to discuss our future.  Things will definitely be different and we are headed for lots of changes.  I suspect our exercise regime will also have new beginnings.

This morning I got up after reading Vardotrichic's blogpost about excuses.  Thanks.  That was the push I needed to get out of a warm bed after a sleepless night and stressful week.  My goal was to do 10 miles, but procrastination put me a bit behind schedule and we just aimed for 7 miles.  It was a beautiful morning to wake up the sun, a symbolic new horizon for us.  It was good to spend time with just the two of us discussing the changes that we are about to embark.  With negative splits, we continue to move forward, accomplishing what we set out to do.

Bring on a new day!

today's mileage: 7 miles running
weekly mileage: 12 miles running
monthly mileage: 21 miles running
annual mileage: 526 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 937

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mike Vardo

The IT Band is still nagging at me.  I really haven't been stretching like I should.  I haven't been eating like I should.   I haven't even been running like I should.  It's nice to have 9 miles this week so far.

The Vardos were running tonight so I decided to give it a whirl.  It was only 4 miles so I could push through that if I had to.  It ended up feeling great.  I stretched for about as long as I ran tonight.  I'm sure that helped.  I discovered that MIKE WAZOWSKI! was there.  He was proud to say he completed a half marathon.  Later when I talked to him on the run he said he finished Des Moines Half.

Overall I felt very strong and I think all the stretching ahead of time really helped.  Later Vardotrichic made me aware of the Little Rock Marathon.  I am very intrigued by this one.  The pictures I see still imply that it will be cool, yet warmish.  I have wanted to do an early spring marathon.  It's a 10-hr drive one-way so it's possible to run and get back to teach again on Monday.

today's mileage: 4 miles running
weekly mileage: 9 miles running
monthly mileage: 9 miles running
annual mileage: 514 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 937

Monday, November 5, 2012

Needed break

Well, it has been 2 weeks since we ran Des Moines.  I was surprised how easily I completed that and how little I really prepared for it.  I wasn't nervous.  I didn't do a lot of mental preparation.  I just showed up and ran with my best friend!

I really wanted to get out this past weekend and run a medium run.  I thought it felt better to just stay in bed and relax however.  I was easily talked into just relaxing.  Finally tonight we went out for a little run.

It started off not so good. I really didn't think I was going to make it.  It's only an Ethanol Loop.  I can do this!  It truly felt like my first run around that loop.  I really pushed myself to keep going.  I watched as our time dropped.  Then about a little over a mile left my chest opened up, I took a deep breathe, and I felt like going strong.

While mile 3 was our fastest mile, I felt like we had a good strong finish.  It wasn't the best run we've ever had, but overall it was a good run.   I pushed through a difficult one and watched it blossom and grow throughout the race.

today's mileage: 5 miles running
weekly mileage: 5 miles running
monthly mileage: 5 miles running
annual mileage: 510 miles running; 415 miles riding; 10.6875 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 933