The winds were awful but we pushed through it. Rachael was first out of the water among us, but had a crappy mountain bike so she had the hardest time on the bike. We stayed with her, giving her some blockage from the wind on the way back into town. She was also huffing and puffing on the run. I was a little surprised. She really felt awful, but hasn't done any training for it, either.
I knew the BRick would be bad so I just kept telling myself s.l.o.w. I'm sure we started out too fast, but I felt awesome and just wanted to keep going! We decided we weren't out for medals or any kind of finish so we all just stayed together, motivating each other along the way.
The swim was about 15 min, the bike was about 17 min, and the run was about 8 min. Not bad for first-timers who can't swim! We are definitely runners! Can't wait for the next one. We'll be better yet!
Temperature: 87 degrees
Weather: scattered clouds, winds SW 23
Motivation level: 10
Energy level: 10
Today's Quote: "Inspire someone. Pass it on. Pay it forward. While your running is personal, it is also something that you can give."
today's mileage: 400m swimming; 5 miles biking; 1 mile running
weekly mileage: 1650m swimming; 19 miles walking/hiking; 1 mile running; 5 miles biking
monthly mileage: 4 miles running; 25 miles walking; 6 miles riding; 1650m swimming
annual mileage: 130 miles running; 207 miles walking; 48 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 386 miles
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