Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Today. Yeah, I have no great title today.  Just, today.  We have talked about getting off our laurels and hitting the pavement, but we finally were able to drag ourselves out.  The trip to/from Steubenville was brutal.  18 hrs in a bus nonstop.  ick.  I am finally getting recovered from the lack of sleep.

As usual, the first couple miles were not fun, but then I felt like I could go forever!  I love that feeling.  Glad the first couple are bad and they get better, not that the end is awful.  When I started running it was like that.  I had a good kick at the end, too.  I wish I could get myself past the usual 5 mile Ethanol, though.

Temperature: 68 degrees
Weather: mostly clear, calm winds
Motivation level: 8
Energy level: 6
Today's Quote: "I just want to spend time with you - love, you running shoes."

today's mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
weekly mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
monthly mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
annual mileage: 147 miles running; 220 miles walking; 58 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 422 miles

1 comment:

  1. Nice work!! Find a new loop...go to and map out a new route :) You'll thank yourself for it!!
