As usual, the first couple miles were not fun, but then I felt like I could go forever! I love that feeling. Glad the first couple are bad and they get better, not that the end is awful. When I started running it was like that. I had a good kick at the end, too. I wish I could get myself past the usual 5 mile Ethanol, though.
Temperature: 68 degrees
Weather: mostly clear, calm winds
Motivation level: 8
Energy level: 6
Today's Quote: "I just want to spend time with you - love, you running shoes."
today's mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
weekly mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
monthly mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
annual mileage: 147 miles running; 220 miles walking; 58 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 422 miles
Nice work!! Find a new loop...go to and map out a new route :) You'll thank yourself for it!!