My second ever sprint tri was today. I was looking for a PR. I guess I would have had one no matter what since I really haven't done these exact distances in a formal race and it was a much easier course than the first one, but for a sprint tri, it was a PR. I had so much fun! I was beat, but was still able to run with others to help them to the finish line when I was done. There were no timing chips, no time kept, no "score", we were just out there having fun! Here's the replay:
OK, this was perhaps the worst swim I've ever had. My adrenaline was pumping like no other today. I was totally beat after pulling the ropes out of the water to prepare it for the event. Really? This is going to be a hard day. I ended up walking the shallow end and swimming the deep end. My mind was racing so fast. I think I did every stroke known to man in this one. I even tried to push myself off the ladder on the side of the pool to get some propulsion and ended up slipping and banging my foot on the ladder. Good golly! @Vardotrichic, you would not have been impressed with this swim today. Somehow I was the second one out of the water, by only one second, though!
Total time = unknown, but around 15 min, maybe a little less with transition
I got my bike and of course the Garmin had to research for the satellites. I was ready to go by the time I got out of transition however. Clicked start and I was off. My goal pace was 15mph. I ended up with 16.4 so I was happy with that. I'm not sure what happened, but my mind in its delirium was all messed up. I knew I was going out 7.5 miles to the turn around point and back again, but somewhere around mile 3 I just thought 5.5 miles was the turn around. I got to 5 miles and couldn't figure out why I wasn't seeing anyone coming back yet. At miles 5.5 I realized I still had 2 miles to go! Darn it! I upshifted and starting pushing it more knowing I wouldn't have to slow down to turn around for a couple more miles. At the turn around point, I tried to look if a car was coming. Good thing, I think I heard one! Yep there was one. He had already moved over to the other lane to give me space. There was no way I was going to turn around by the time he reached me. That would have been a fatality! I was just thankful I had my helmet on, knowing how awful that would have been had I just crossed 2 lanes of traffic. OK, back around and toward home. I felt strong, but realized there wasn't a head wind going out. There wasn't exactly a tailwind coming back, but I tried to push it a little more. There was no one in sight in front or behind me, but I knew I was in at least 4th place at this time. I tried to cheer on the others as we passed on the highway. Wow, I was putting in some amazing times on the clock. I got up to 59.1 mph. WHAT?! Yeah, I think my watch was delirious now. I'll just count a top speed of 24.4 on this ride. Time to turn north back into town. Holy headwind Batman! My speed dropped 2.5 mph in that mile. Will I see the runners crossing the road at the edge of town? Will I have anything left in me to make the run? I was really feeling great at this point and wanted to get going on the run. The bike ended on an uphill.
Total time = 54:48; average: 16.4mph
Yep, as usual I went out fast off the bike. I sat in transition for a bit to change my watch from biking to running mode, hoping this would help my legs calm down for the run. Nope. Friends were yelling, "[she's] on the straight-away yet; you can catch her! Go get her!!" I finally got going again, repeating over and over again, "slow down, slow down, slow down..." I looked at my watch at about 1/4 mile: 8:05 yikes! I'll never make it to the finish line! "slow down, slow down, slow down..." About 1/2 mile: 8:15 Holy moly, I really thought I had slowed. I have to get this to about 9 min pace or I'll hit the wall. Mile 1: 8:55 Not bad. I can see I am closing in on the person in front of me. My competitive mind wants to go faster to catch her, but I know I have to go slower. I knew I had the edge on her and could overtake her at some point before the finish line. Mile 2: 9:21 That's better. One mile to go, I've got this! Water stop at the corner - no thanks I've got a big bottle with me. I really wanted to run the whole thing. I just passed the person. Dang, my legs are giving way to my brain telling me I can't. I slowed way down. Dang again, they stopped! I walked about the length of one house and took off again. That's what I needed. OK, to the track, around, and back to the pool. I will sprint as much as I can from the entrance to the parking lot to the pool. That went great and I was able to keep my competitor behind me. Coming out of the track I saw Bill and Rachael! I didn't realize they were running together. We exchanged high 5s, which gave me the energy I needed to finish.
Total time = 26:50; pace: 9:14
LOVEDLOVEDLOVED this tri! At the end, I ran back to Rachael and Bill to run the last 1/4 mile with them. We crossed the finish line as a family, like we always do! It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.
Temperature: 68 degrees
Weather: clear, 6mph north winds; 83% humidity
Motivation level: 10
Energy level: 8
Today's Quote: "If at first you don't succeed, tri tri again."
today's mileage: 5 miles running; 3 miles walking; 18 miles biking; 1 mile swimming
weekly mileage: 5 miles running; 3 miles walking; 18 miles biking; 1 mile swimming
monthly mileage: 37 miles running; 17 miles walking; 33 miles biking; 1 mile swimming
annual mileage: 204 miles running; 277 miles walking; 91 miles riding; 3.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 535 miles