Saturday, August 3, 2013

XC Training

Today we decided to get Noelle training for Cross Country season.  She starts in 2 days!  I know I know, this is not ideal to start this late, but at least we are doing something.  She is a natural printer and loves to go out fast.  We had an 8:53 start mile and then about .7 she wanted to stop and walk.  Rachael and I got her to about 1.1 miles before she finally complained of a side ache and walked.  It was all we could do to keep her going and not stop.  She kept complaining that it hurt. a lot.  She was full of grumpiness.  With all her walking breaks she was 11:10 pace for the second mile, but she did finish the full 2 miles.

Not having ran since July 17 the first mile was a push for me, but it felt great.  I wish I could run all my miles at that pace.  I know if I worked at it I could, but I just don't.

Bill has had some knee pain and has been resting.  I think I'll continue to push forward.  :(  Rachael and I have been doing a gorilla workout program and it has really been great.  It builds strength and conditions the core.  I love it.  We are on level 3 of 5 and it is really pushing my strength, but I love it.  I know I will be stronger in the end.

Temperature: 70 degrees
Weather: clear, 3mph N winds; 68% humidity
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 8
Today's Quote: "Well done is better than well said."

today's mileage: 2 miles running
weekly mileage:  2 miles running; 4 miles walking
monthly mileage: 2 miles running; 4 miles walking; 2 miles biking
annual mileage: 169 miles running; 264 miles walking; 60 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 455 miles

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! You really need to consider WordPress...I like to let people know I read their blog post by clicking the "like" button :)
