Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Reality Check

I don't know why, but when I miss a run it's easier to write off the next run.  The longer I wait to get back out there, the more I fear it.  It will hurt.  I will not be able to meet my goal.  I will second guess myself.

The weather has been so nasty lately and I have had so much mental baggage that I can't get myself going.  Last night I told myself that if we have a snowday I will run on the dreadmill.  I really wanted to at least get a long run in.  I got on, started running, and I was pooped.  Ok, reality: I haven't been taking care of myself either.  I started drinking, thinking that would help.  nope.  I ended up doing the run-walk method.  I ran a mile, walked 1/10.  I realized when we redid the basement, we put up a mirror.  Reality: I'm not getting into shape like I want. WOW, I'm. not. getting. into. shape.  ick.

Temperature: 19 degrees
Weather: blizzard, -14 windchill, winds 34mph gusts NNE
Motivation level: 8
Energy level: 2
Today's Quote: We find our answers on the roads, trails, and in races as we are given mental space to reflect, learn, and grow. In pursuing our passion with a purposeful mind, we uncover secrets others spend a lifetime searching for.

today's mileage: 5 mile running
weekly mileage: 5 miles running
monthly mileage: 38 miles running; 30/31
annual mileage: 38 miles running; 0 miles riding; 0 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 68 miles

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