Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Oh boy oh boy oh boy.  I have really been slacking this fall.  I haven't even been recording my miles!  I think I did 13 miles in October and I did a 4 mile run a few days ago with Bill.  We have been walking a LOT this year.  Loss of a job will do that I guess.  I deeply miss running, feeling good and healthy, and just simply being "alive" and less stressed.

Running makes me reflect on my life, my goals, and the direction I am going.  I always feel like I need to change what I'm doing.  I have developed a deeper faith as a result of the past year.  This has been good for me.  Here's to getting back into running - I hope.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

oh ah eh ah oh

Yep school has definitely started again.  It a good excuse to take a little break.  I think all the workouts and really pushing myself last week caught up to me.  My shins were killing me on this run!  I felt every single step of those 4 miles.

Rachael got up early to go run.  She really wanted to do 8 miles.  I thought I had it in me, pushing the limits, but I thought I could do it.  Wait a minute, she got ME up? to go run?!  This is all backwards.  Bill went with us too.  I was a little surprised as his knees were still hurting and he hasn't been doing his exercises.  Both of them were really pulling me along today.  We had a 10:30+min pace and it felt like a 9:00 pace.  It was all I could do to keep moving forward.  We completed 4 in town miles however.

Temperature: 68 degrees
Weather: clear, 6mph north winds; 83% humidity
Motivation level: 1
Energy level: 2
Today's Quote: "Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling."

today's mileage: 6 miles running; 16 miles walking; 4 miles biking
weekly mileage:  6 miles running; 16 miles walking; 4 miles biking
monthly mileage: 43 miles running; 33 miles walking; 37 miles biking; 1 mile swimming
annual mileage: 210 miles running; 293 miles walking; 95 miles riding; 3.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 561 miles

Monday, August 12, 2013

SH Sprint Triathlon

My second ever sprint tri was today.  I was looking for a PR.  I guess I would have had one no matter what since I really haven't done these exact distances in a formal race and it was a much easier course than the first one, but for a sprint tri, it was a PR.  I had so much fun!  I was beat, but was still able to run with others to help them to the finish line when I was done.  There were no timing chips, no time kept, no "score", we were just out there having fun!  Here's the replay:

OK, this was perhaps the worst swim I've ever had.  My adrenaline was pumping like no other today.  I was totally beat after pulling the ropes out of the water to prepare it for the event.  Really?  This is going to be a hard day.  I ended up walking the shallow end and swimming the deep end.  My mind was racing so fast.  I think I did every stroke known to man in this one.  I even tried to push myself off the ladder on the side of the pool to get some propulsion and ended up slipping and banging my foot on the ladder.  Good golly!  @Vardotrichic, you would not have been impressed with this swim today.  Somehow I was the second one out of the water, by only one second, though!
Total time = unknown, but around 15 min, maybe a little less with transition

I got my bike and of course the Garmin had to research for the satellites.  I was ready to go by the time I got out of transition however.  Clicked start and I was off.  My goal pace was 15mph.  I ended up with 16.4 so I was happy with that.  I'm not sure what happened, but my mind in its delirium was all messed up.  I knew I was going out 7.5 miles to the turn around point and back again, but somewhere around mile 3 I just thought 5.5 miles was the turn around.  I got to 5 miles and couldn't figure out why I wasn't seeing anyone coming back yet.  At miles 5.5 I realized I still had 2 miles to go!  Darn it!  I upshifted and starting pushing it more knowing I wouldn't have to slow down to turn around for a couple more miles.  At the turn around point, I tried to look if a car was coming.  Good thing, I think I heard one!  Yep there was one.  He had already moved over to the other lane to give me space.  There was no way I was going to turn around by the time he reached me.  That would have been a fatality!  I was just thankful I had my helmet on, knowing how awful that would have been had I just crossed 2 lanes of traffic.  OK, back around and toward home.  I felt strong, but realized there wasn't a head wind going out.  There wasn't exactly a tailwind coming back, but I tried to push it a little more.  There was no one in sight in front or behind me, but I knew I was in at least 4th place at this time.  I tried to cheer on the others as we passed on the highway. Wow, I was putting in some amazing times on the clock.  I got up to 59.1 mph.  WHAT?!  Yeah, I think my watch was delirious now.  I'll just count a top speed of 24.4 on this ride.  Time to turn north back into town.  Holy headwind Batman!  My speed dropped 2.5 mph in that mile.  Will I see the runners crossing the road at the edge of town?  Will I have anything left in me to make the run?  I was really feeling great at this point and wanted to get going on the run.  The bike ended on an uphill.
Total time = 54:48; average: 16.4mph

Yep, as usual I went out fast off the bike.  I sat in transition for a bit to change my watch from biking to running mode, hoping this would help my legs calm down for the run.  Nope.  Friends were yelling, "[she's] on the straight-away yet; you can catch her!  Go get her!!"  I finally got going again,  repeating over and over again, "slow down, slow down, slow down..."  I looked at my watch at about 1/4 mile: 8:05 yikes!  I'll never make it to the finish line!  "slow down, slow down, slow down..."  About 1/2 mile: 8:15  Holy moly, I really thought I had slowed.  I have to get this to about 9 min pace or I'll hit the wall.  Mile 1: 8:55  Not bad.  I can see I am closing in on the person in front of me.  My competitive mind wants to go faster to catch her, but I know I have to go slower.  I knew I had the edge on her and could overtake her at some point before the finish line.  Mile 2: 9:21  That's better.  One mile to go, I've got this!  Water stop at the corner - no thanks I've got a big bottle with me.  I really wanted to run the whole thing.  I just passed the person.  Dang, my legs are giving way to my brain telling me I can't.  I slowed way down.  Dang again, they stopped!  I walked about the length of one house and took off again.  That's what I needed.  OK, to the track, around, and back to the pool.  I will sprint as much as I can from the entrance to the parking lot to the pool.  That went great and I was able to keep my competitor behind me.  Coming out of the track I saw Bill and Rachael!  I didn't realize they were running together.  We exchanged high 5s, which gave me the energy I needed to finish.
Total time = 26:50; pace: 9:14

LOVEDLOVEDLOVED this tri!  At the end, I ran back to Rachael and Bill to run the last 1/4 mile with them.  We crossed the finish line as a family, like we always do!  It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.

Temperature: 68 degrees
Weather: clear, 6mph north winds; 83% humidity
Motivation level: 10
Energy level: 8
Today's Quote: "If at first you don't succeed, tri tri again."

today's mileage: 5 miles running; 3 miles walking; 18 miles biking; 1 mile swimming
weekly mileage:  5 miles running; 3 miles walking; 18 miles biking; 1 mile swimming
monthly mileage: 37 miles running; 17 miles walking; 33 miles biking; 1 mile swimming
annual mileage: 204 miles running; 277 miles walking; 91 miles riding; 3.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 535 miles

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Return to Vardos

Having not really run for quite awhile, getting 24 miles in this week was a great accomplishment.  I loved how my legs felt.  I loved the fast endings to the runs.  I loved my running partners, but do really miss running with Bill.  I loved running with the Vardos.

This morning I got up early and ran with the Vardos at 6:00.  Rachael went with me.  We ran some ladies a little older than me at a little slower pace.  I needed that as I was contemplating doing the 6-mile loop twice for a total of 12 today.  Anticipating the school sprint tri on Monday and reflecting on the big week, I opted for just the single 6-miler.  This turned out to be a good thing.

My shins have started to hurt, but worse, my left hip was all out of whack.  I finally had enough, feeling like my left hip was about 3" higher than my right and trying to walk was a chore.  I called the chiropractor who got me in right away.  I had a nagging glitch in my neck that wouldn't go away either.  Tonight my hips seemed to have gone back to uncomfortable.  We went for a slow walk to try to work out the kink, but no luck.

Tonight I ran with my trainee.  Fortunately it was not a speed run, but a really slow run so I hobbled along.  I think that really helped.  I felt better afterwards.  We'll see how tomorrow looks.  Boy, those Vardos are hard on me.

Temperature: 54 degrees
Weather: clear, no winds; 98% humidity
Motivation level: 6
Energy level: 7
Today's Quote: "Running is not for whimps."

today's mileage: 8 miles running; 4 miles walking
weekly mileage:  26 miles running; 8 miles walking
monthly mileage: 32 miles running; 14 miles walking; 15 miles biking
annual mileage: 199 miles running; 274 miles walking; 73 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 508 miles

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Case of the Mondays

I woke up this morning and (thought) I heard rain outside my window.  There have been threats of rain and storms all week so this was logical to me.  Hmmm, I wonder if Jill will want to run in the rain or if I should just go back to sleep.  I finally dragged myself up to look out the window.  What?!?!! It hasn't rained at all; everything is dry!  Darn it.  I really do have to do this run.  Ugh, it was like a bad case of the Mondays getting motivated today.  It's Thursday!

I finally got up and got ready to go.  While sitting on the couch checking the weather, I saw someone run by.  Oh crap, I overslept and totally missed her!  Oh wait, she wouldn't run with her dog.  Ugh, another case of the Mondays.

Out the door I went.  This is only 4 miles; I can do this!  Getting to her house I didn't see her.  She is usually standing out waiting for me in the street.  DOH, maybe that really was her running past my house this morning.  Maybe she will swing by my house again to see if I'm up yet.  Well, if she isn't there, I'll see if lights are on and at worst, run on my own.  Ugh, another case of the Mondays.

I got to her house and saw she was by the garage.  Maybe she just got out there?  We got going and about a quarter mile into the run I glanced at my watch and the lap pace didn't appear to be working!  What?  Dang.  The GPS was on, I paused and restarted the button, nothing seemed to work.  I guess I'll just rely on her and then run the extra little bit to finish the mile.  Ugh, another case of the Mondays.

She said she was also having problems getting motivated this morning to get out the door.  This is why it's great to have a running partner that keeps you motivated.  After a couple miles I look at my watch and it appears to be working again.  I called out my mileage and she called out hers.  We were about .8 miles different - I was "behind" her!  How could that be?  I was, in reality, about 1/2 mile ahead of her.  Maybe all the messing with it earlier got it going again.  Ugh, another case of the Mondays.

In the end, I really have no idea how far I ran, but I am guessing somewhere between 4.75 and 5 miles. It was a crazy Monday, uh I mean, Thursday run.  I did love running again and having a schedule.  It was great to run some distance and then push hard at the end to see what I could do.  It was great to be accountable to someone to get myself out the door.  It is great to wake up the sun again.  I think this will be a good year, things are looking up this week!  I just might like Mondays from now on.  :)

Temperature: 58 degrees
Weather: clear, no winds; 91% humidity
Motivation level: 2
Energy level: 7
Today's Quote: "Look in the mirror.  That's your competition."

today's mileage: 4.75ish miles running
weekly mileage:  18 miles running
monthly mileage: 24 miles running; 10 miles walking; 8 miles biking
annual mileage: 191 miles running; 270 miles walking; 66 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 489 miles

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wake up. Breathe. Run.

This morning I woke up in a panic!  I thought I overslept and jumped out of bed!  I looked at the clock again trying mentally go through my prerun routine and how to condense it into the shortened time I had.  I then realized our clock was set ahead and my alarm wasn't ready to go off yet.  PHEW!

It was close enough that I just stayed up.  I started my routine and within a couple minutes my alarm went off.  I was very concerned about the run today so I did a lot of stretching.  Oh my.  I can barely bend at 90 degrees!  I had to get out the foam roller and get loosened up.  That helped.
As I started out the run to my friend's house I felt as if I was really stomping on my heels.  ugh, this is going to be a long run!  Once I met up with her I seemed to calm down a bit and get into a good flow.

I finished w part of mile dangling again.  I finished the 8th mile at a 8:34 pace!  My ankle and knee starting hurting a bit towards the end of the run, but it was a great finish.
Tomorrow: 4 miles, then some rest!
Monday: sprint tri

Temperature: 68 degrees
Weather: clear, no winds; 91% humidity
Motivation level: 6
Energy level: 5
Today's Quote: "Wake up.  Breathe.  Run."

today's mileage: 8 miles running
weekly mileage:  13 miles running
monthly mileage: 19 miles running; 10 miles walking; 3 miles biking
annual mileage: 186 miles running; 270 miles walking; 61 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 479 miles

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dangling Mile

I was scheduled to run 4 miles with a friend this morning.  She usually comes to my house, but I decided to meet her at her house.  She is about .42 miles from me so I figured that would be a good warm up and I could get my fast start out of the way going over there.

What a great run!  I love the morning runs, waking up the sun, hearing the night time sounds, seeing a light fog form over the cornfields.  It was truly a beautiful morning.
I wasn't sure how it would go as I had had a few fast runs lately, which usually means my shins pay for it for days after.  I felt pretty good throughout, tired but good.  I'm hoping tomorrow's 7 miler will be equally good.

As we got back to town to the corner where she went left and I went straight, I found myself with a dangling mile.  Who stops a run with .63 left on the end?  Really?  I just had to finish off that mile so I actually complete 5 today rather than just 4.

Temperature: 62degrees
Weather: clear, no winds; 100% humidity
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 8
Today's Quote: "The  most beautiful makeup for a woman is passion."

today's mileage: 5 miles running
weekly mileage:  5 miles running
monthly mileage: 11 miles running; 8 miles walking; 3 miles biking
annual mileage: 178 miles running; 268 miles walking; 61 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 469 miles

Sunday, August 4, 2013

2 x 2

Today was a double training day.  The first 2 miles was with a new trainee.  We finished in 34 minutes.  The second 2 miler was to help Noelle train for cross country.  I was so excited tor her because she ran the whole thing!  We finished in 18 minutes.  Yes we were twice as fast as the first 2 miles.

I loved going fast, but my shins might pay for it later this week.  This concerns me as I will be running with my favorite running partner (besides Bill) later this week.  She will be doing 4, 7, 4 milers this week early in the morning - my favorite time of the day to run.  I am so excited to get out with someone different again.

Temperature: 76 degrees
Weather: clear, no winds; 54% humidity
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 8
Today's Quote: "To know you are one with what you are doing, to know that you are a complete athlete, begins with believing you are  a runner."  --George Sheehan

today's mileage: 4 miles running; 4 miles walking; 1 mile biking
weekly mileage:  6 miles running; 8 miles walking
monthly mileage: 6 miles running; 8 miles walking; 3 miles biking
annual mileage: 173 miles running; 268 miles walking; 61 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 464 miles

Saturday, August 3, 2013

XC Training

Today we decided to get Noelle training for Cross Country season.  She starts in 2 days!  I know I know, this is not ideal to start this late, but at least we are doing something.  She is a natural printer and loves to go out fast.  We had an 8:53 start mile and then about .7 she wanted to stop and walk.  Rachael and I got her to about 1.1 miles before she finally complained of a side ache and walked.  It was all we could do to keep her going and not stop.  She kept complaining that it hurt. a lot.  She was full of grumpiness.  With all her walking breaks she was 11:10 pace for the second mile, but she did finish the full 2 miles.

Not having ran since July 17 the first mile was a push for me, but it felt great.  I wish I could run all my miles at that pace.  I know if I worked at it I could, but I just don't.

Bill has had some knee pain and has been resting.  I think I'll continue to push forward.  :(  Rachael and I have been doing a gorilla workout program and it has really been great.  It builds strength and conditions the core.  I love it.  We are on level 3 of 5 and it is really pushing my strength, but I love it.  I know I will be stronger in the end.

Temperature: 70 degrees
Weather: clear, 3mph N winds; 68% humidity
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 8
Today's Quote: "Well done is better than well said."

today's mileage: 2 miles running
weekly mileage:  2 miles running; 4 miles walking
monthly mileage: 2 miles running; 4 miles walking; 2 miles biking
annual mileage: 169 miles running; 264 miles walking; 60 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 455 miles

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beat the Stinky Heat

Another "mid" run with my new trainee today.  Rachael ran with me this morning to beat the heat and keep safety in numbers.  We left the house about 4:45 and it was beautiful morning to be running.  Again it was a tough 2-3 miles but then got better.  My goal was an easy 10 min pace and we were dead on with that all the way through.  If it weren't for her with me I know I would have stopped.  I just didn't have the motivation this morning to be out there.

I love early morning runs.  They are so peaceful and calming.  I have really missed her nonstop chattering next to me.  We haven't had a run together in a long time.  We were almost to the turn to get to the house and I saw something on the road.  I run without my glasses and it was still dark out so I asked Rachael if it was a bird along side the road.  She said no, thought for a bit, and said, it's a skunk!  It must have been a baby one because it was very little.  She said, its tail is up!!  Holy crap.  I kept trying to focus in on it to see what it was doing.  It was running long the road, on the other side, tail up. I think our pace increased a little and I must have been thinking of ducking into the ditch because said, "You're pushing me off the road!!"  After about 2 electrical poles of panicked running, he finally ran into the ditch.  Phew.  We almost stunk more than just sweat.  So much for peaceful morning runs.

Temperature: 70 degrees
Weather: clear, 3mph SSW winds; 93% humidity
Motivation level: 3
Energy level: 5
Today's Quote: "You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great."

today's mileage: 6 miles running
weekly mileage:  11 miles running; 6 miles walking
monthly mileage: 24 miles running; 21 miles walking; 2 miles biking; 1.16667miles swimming
annual mileage: 167 miles running; 241 miles walking; 58 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 447 miles

Monday, July 15, 2013

Holy hot batman!

I started helping a friend meet some goals today.  I went out to her house in the country for a short workout and then ran home.  This gave me about 5 miles.  I thought I can't be a hypocrite so I have to run home.  Wow, was it h.o.t!  I left my comfort zone on this one.  I usually avoid heat all together, especially when it tops 90 degrees.  I was very thankful for the SSE wind - it really helped to cool me and dry some of the sweat.  I downed 20 oz of fluid in these few miles.  Good thing as I had about a 9:15 pace going.  It really felt great to let loose and run.  The heat did get to me, but I really think it was mental more than physical.  I'll keep working on my discomfort zone.

Temperature: 93 degrees
Weather: partly cloudy, 12mph SSE winds 
Motivation level: 7
Energy level: 8
Today's Quote: "Success in running means leaving your comfort zone.  Learn to love your discomfort zone."

today's mileage: 5 miles running; 6 miles walking
weekly mileage:  5 miles running; 6 miles walking
monthly mileage: 18 miles running; 21 miles walking; 2 miles biking; 1.16667miles swimming
annual mileage: 161 miles running; 241 miles walking; 58 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 441 miles

Thursday, July 11, 2013


We decided to go on a brunch ride and invited the TriHawk Group.  No one took us up on the offer.  We went anyway.  We were running about a 1/2 hour later than we scheduled due to crazy scheduling.

We decided to go to Story City for brunch, like a nice healthy cinnamon roll  :)  I had been dreading this for a long time as there are noticeable hills on the way back that suck all energy from me.  The trip down was good, but I was hoping I hadn't pushed it too much that I would bonk on the way home.  We stopped and had a yummy breakfast for much longer than I had anticipated we would, but it was a good break.  I had a veggie omelet - great protein!  I had felt dehydrated before I even started so I tried to drink plenty.  That didn't work so well, but I did drink quite a lot at the restaurant.  I think that helped me get home.

Interesting observation today: my knees hurt when I ride.  Bill thought maybe it was because I use a higher gear than he does going up hills.  I don't know if it really helped.  My knee was nasty when I got off and tried to run.  About 1/2 mi into the run it felt better.  I felt amazing!  Question for Vardotrichic: Is it better to have more rotations at a lower gear or fewer rotations at a higher gear?

Thought of a 1/2 Ironman entered my mind for most of this ride.  I think this is a possibility if there isn't a minimum time requirement for the swim.

Temperature: 77 degrees
Weather: mostly clear, 8mph SSE winds 
Motivation level: 10
Energy level: 6
Today's Quote: "Running shouldn't be dreaded; it should be time to let go of everything and start over."

today's mileage: 27 miles riding; 1 mile running; 1 mile walking
weekly mileage:  1400m swimming; 1 mile running; 1 mile walking; 27 miles riding
monthly mileage: 13 miles running; 15 mile walking; 2 miles biking; 1.16667miles swimming
annual mileage: 156 miles running; 235 miles walking; 58 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 430 miles

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Come on in, it's beautiful!

That's how I'd describe the water today.  It was a beautiful day for a swim!  The water was a bit warm, but it was good swimming.

It seemed like there was so much going on during this swim today.  I don't think I was rotating well all the time so I consciously rested my arm on my hip and rotated to get my hand out of the water.  I also worked on my breathing.  It felt like I was a little panicky when I got water in my mouth or up my nose.  I tried to snort it out, but panic set in and I stopped swimming.  Darn it.

I felt like I could finally get to a point where I wasn't struggling to get from one end to the other.   It was like looking at the eye fooling pictures where you have to focus just right to see the picture and then BAM! it all of sudden pops in to view.  And just like that it's gone.  I got a glimpse of what Mr Vardotrichic told me last summer: think slow and calm.  I was able to relax and glide through the water.  The next lap I was working hard again, heart racing, out of breathe at the end.  I want that feeling back!

One thing I realized about my swimming today was that I totally stop kicking when I breathe.  What?  Yeah, I'm in glide mode with no forward thrust.  Another thing I realized was that my hand can pull a lot of water.  That's right, my shoulders are quite sore tonight.  So, Vardotrichic a question: what is the hand supposed to do in the water?  I noticed mine is pointed straight down as it pulls the water down and back.

I also worked on breathing.  I feel like my breathing has improved so much since last summer.  I've worked at breathing every 3 strokes.  This gives me a breath every other side each time.  Today I wanted to see how far I could push that.  I took 4 strokes to every breath.  This meant breathing about 4-5 times across the pool.  That felt amazing.  I want to do that again.

Overall it was a great swim, but I could tell when I was getting tired.  I did 28 laps, but really wanted about 32.  While I was a little short of my goal, I feel like I gained a lot today.  Too bad Morgan Freeman wasn't there.

Temperature: 80 degrees
Weather: mostly clear, calm winds 
Motivation level: 3
Energy level: 9
Today's Quote: "I plan on having such an awesome run Morgan Freeman should narrate it."

today's mileage: 1400m swimming
weekly mileage:  1400m swimming; 3 mile walking
monthly mileage: 13 miles running; 15 mile walking; 2 miles biking; 1.16667
annual mileage: 156 miles running; 235 miles walking; 58 miles riding; 2.19792 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 430 miles

Sunday, July 7, 2013


I decided to take a different route, other than the Ethanol Loop, and wanted a little longer run today so we ran to Ellsworth.  Everyone decided they needed a potty stop so we went to Kum n Go for a brief rest.  We also stopped to see where a family member moved to.  While stopped, a kitty came up to Rachael and she liked it and was petting it.

The run back home was a little more difficult.  This route has some long, climbing hills.  Once we got back to town we finished up the 8 miles and yet another curious kitty came up to Rachael.  I really wanted to keep going.  I don't think a marathon was in the cards today, but easily a half was doable.

Steubenville has been a good trip for me and I have been more pensive.  This has made me rethink what my "false gods" are that I have been "worshipping".   It has been so self-lifting to not be on facebook, twitter, and other connections to the real world.  This really makes me want to quit my job and follow my real passion, ie lean in a different direction.  Unfortunately, it is also my necessary evil.  In the meantime I will continue to slowly lean that direction until life slows down.

Temperature: 72 degrees
Weather: mostly clear, calm winds gusting to SSE 8
Motivation level: 5
Energy level: 6
Today's Quote: "A tree falls the way it leans; be careful which way you lean." -Lorax

today's mileage: 8 miles running; 6 mile walking
weekly mileage: 13 miles running; 12 mile walking; 2 miles biking
monthly mileage: 13 miles running; 12 mile walking; 2 miles biking
annual mileage: 156 miles running; 232 miles walking; 58 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 430 miles

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Today. Yeah, I have no great title today.  Just, today.  We have talked about getting off our laurels and hitting the pavement, but we finally were able to drag ourselves out.  The trip to/from Steubenville was brutal.  18 hrs in a bus nonstop.  ick.  I am finally getting recovered from the lack of sleep.

As usual, the first couple miles were not fun, but then I felt like I could go forever!  I love that feeling.  Glad the first couple are bad and they get better, not that the end is awful.  When I started running it was like that.  I had a good kick at the end, too.  I wish I could get myself past the usual 5 mile Ethanol, though.

Temperature: 68 degrees
Weather: mostly clear, calm winds
Motivation level: 8
Energy level: 6
Today's Quote: "I just want to spend time with you - love, you running shoes."

today's mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
weekly mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
monthly mileage: 5 miles running; 6 mile walking; 2 miles biking
annual mileage: 147 miles running; 220 miles walking; 58 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 422 miles


Rachael and I attended a Catholic youth retreat last weekend.  After Reconciliation one night, Rachael called me and wanted to talk.  I asked if she wanted to go for a run.  It sounded like that was just what she needed.

We were all direction-turned so we didn't want to go too far, and the dorm was going to be locked in 30 min so we were limited by that, too.  We didn't really have running clothes, the Garmin or anything "necessary" for running, but we headed out.  Little did we know that this campus sat on top of hill.  No, wait, make that a mountain!  About 1/2 way down to the streets below I looked at Rachael, and said, "You know, what goes down must come up!"  I didn't think it could get any longer or steeper than the hill at the Camp Courageous Triathlon, but it did!  yikes.  I hadn't swam nor biked before this run and we still had to stop a couple times to get up that crazy hill, uh I mean mountainside.

I had no mental map so we would run down one street for a little bit and then turn around and come back.  I had set the timer on my phone to be sure we were back before they locked us out of the dorms. I really didn't want to sleep outside.  I figured we ran about 2 1/2 to 3 miles.  It was good to clear our minds and regain focus both mentally and spiritually.

Temperature: 62 degrees
Weather: overcast, light breeze
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 4
Today's Quote: "You are never too young to start.  You are never too old to start.  Because running does not discriminate, it just lets you be a version of who you are."

today's mileage: 3 miles running; 6 mile walking
weekly mileage: 8 miles running; 14 mile walking; 3 miles biking
monthly mileage: 12 miles running; 40 miles walking; 14 miles riding; 1650m swimming
annual mileage: 142 miles running; 214 miles walking; 56 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 409 miles

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

What a beautiful day!  We are celebrating our 19th anniversary today.  We got to sleep in.  Yes, our four children slept in so we got to sleep in!  It rained early this morning so we didn't feel compelled to get out of bed.  We let our bodies wake us up.  :)

We went out for an easy 5 miles, the Ethanol Loop backwards.  I feel like we have been in a rut running the same path for months now.  Never much more, never less.  We run to be together.  We run to release stress.  We run just to run.  It's routine.  sort of.  I feel like Grug, the dad in the Croogs, "Different is bad." Today I wanted to run it backwards for a new path.  Let's mix it up.

I think it worked.  We didn't talk about stressors, we didn't talk about school, about life, about nothing that bothers us.  We just spent time together.  Year 19 has been a stressful year to no exaggeration, the most trying we have had yet in our lives.  Maybe today starts a better year for us, a new stage for success!

Cheers to a fit mind and body!

Temperature: 70 degrees
Weather: scattered clouds, winds SW 8
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 9
Today's Quote: "Runners come to appreciate early in their running careers that a fit body won't travel very far if there isn't a fit mind traveling along with it."

today's mileage: 5 miles running; 8 mile walking
weekly mileage: 5 miles running; 8 mile walking
monthly mileage: 9 miles running; 34 miles walking; 11 miles riding; 1650m swimming
annual mileage: 139 miles running; 208 miles walking; 53 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 395 miles

Friday, June 21, 2013

An Unexpected Ride

We did our nightly walk after supper.  The dog was quite hot and tired so we brought her home and continued our walk, about 10 feet more.  We decided to get on the bikes.  Funny thing, we took out the crappy mountain bikes that sit outside all year and don't get any maintenance attention.  We were just going to bop around town, but it turned into something bigger.

We didn't have the Garmin, didn't have the HR monitor, didn't have a watch of any kind.  We just rode.  We rode fast, we rode slow, we rode together, we rode in a line.  We just went out on the road.

We started going out on our usual path, then decided to do the bike path (our road bikes don't like the limestone so well).  Bill asked if I wanted to do an Ethanol Loop, just to make it a real work out.  We came to our senses and given that we didn't have helmets on and the bikes were really not worth of anything outside of 1/2 mile from the house, we went to the Ethanol turn, about a mile out of town, and came back.  On the way back into town the bikes registered on the digital speed machine to warn drivers of their velocity.  We were only putzing around 8mph.  Had we known we could be registered on the machine, we would have gone faster!  Now we have a mission for later....

Temperature: 86 degrees
Weather: scattered clouds, winds SE 25
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 9
Today's Quote: "There's a fine line between locating a satellite and starring at your wrist like an idiot."

today's mileage: 5 miles biking; 1 mile walking
weekly mileage: 1650m swimming; 20 miles walking/hiking; 1 mile running; 10 miles biking
monthly mileage: 4 miles running; 26 miles walking; 11 miles riding; 1650m swimming
annual mileage: 130 miles running; 208 miles walking; 53 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 391 miles

Thursday, June 20, 2013

TriHawk #1

We completed the first mini tri today.  Loved it!  I stayed with Bill and Rachael so I didn't push my limits, but enjoyed every minute of it.  Of course swimming was the most difficult and I was a little surprised how some of the participant finished that portion of it.

The winds were awful but we pushed through it.  Rachael was first out of the water among us, but had a crappy mountain bike so she had the hardest time on the bike.  We stayed with her, giving her some blockage from the wind on the way back into town.  She was also huffing and puffing on the run.  I was a little surprised.  She really felt awful, but hasn't done any training for it, either.

I knew the BRick would be bad so I just kept telling myself s.l.o.w.  I'm sure we started out too fast, but I felt awesome and just wanted to keep going!  We decided we weren't out for medals or any kind of finish so we all just stayed together, motivating each other along the way.

The swim was about 15 min, the bike was about 17 min, and the run was about 8 min.  Not bad for first-timers who can't swim!  We are definitely runners!  Can't wait for the next one.  We'll be better yet!

Temperature: 87 degrees
Weather: scattered clouds, winds SW 23
Motivation level: 10
Energy level: 10
Today's Quote: "Inspire someone.  Pass it on.  Pay it forward.  While your running is personal, it is also something that you can give."

today's mileage: 400m swimming; 5 miles biking; 1 mile running
weekly mileage: 1650m swimming; 19 miles walking/hiking; 1 mile running; 5 miles biking
monthly mileage: 4 miles running; 25 miles walking; 6 miles riding; 1650m swimming
annual mileage: 130 miles running; 207 miles walking; 48 miles riding; 1.03125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 386 miles

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mixed up days

What?!  That was my first reaction this morning about an hour after I woke up realizing today was NOT the day of the tri; it's tomorrow! DOH!  Good news: we got another training swim in today.

Another chance to swim is good since this is only the second day of the year we have been in the water.  Bill is still very nervous, but I think he is gaining confidence so that's good! :)

Again, my focus was on breathing and rotating in the water.  I think I did a better job of this today, but had problems taking in water and also with water getting in my ears.  I don't know if it was just the day or what was going on, but I also noticed I rotate more on my left side breathing than I do on my right.  I'm closer to 90 degree on my left and more like 45 on my right, at least that's how I feel I am doing.  I just might need another training session with Mr and Mrs Vardotrichic.

I also woke up this morning, weighed myself for the first time in 2 weeks and discovered that I lost about 6 pounds.  This is almost shocking as I really ate a lot of junk food.  The last week I tried to eat less and do a plank a day.  Last night Rachael started up her core exercises again.  Good to start getting back in the swing of things.  I hope this momentum lasts!

Temperature: 84 degrees
Weather: scattered clouds, winds SSE 16
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 9
Today's Quote: "In life we need to hold on tight and let someone else carry us for awhile."

today's mileage: 750m swimming; 1 mile walking
weekly mileage: 1250m swimming; 19 miles walking/hiking
monthly mileage: 3 miles running; 25 miles walking; 5 miles riding; 1250m swimming
annual mileage: 126 miles running; 207 miles walking; 43 miles riding; .78125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 357 miles

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

11th hour

Well, tomorrow is my first tri of the year.  I finally got in the water for my first swim since last fall!  The tri is very, very small, through the school's wellness program, and I convinced Bill to do it with me.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute to see how much the swim legs remember.

Bill told me on the way home from our 5900 mile vacation that he has never in his life swam a lap in the pool!  He never even had a swimming lesson until after our first year of marriage.  Woah.  This will be some true motivation tomorrow.  We went to the pool and tried to help him get from one end of the pool to the other.  I think we have a strategy to get through the swim.  The pool here has free adult swim from 12:00-1:00 daily so I have wanted to work on that this summer.  Tomorrow is only 4 laps so I think we can do it!

After he got comfortable with the water and swimming on his own, I took off and worked on my swim stroke.  I tried to focus on the breathing again and rotating.  I think both went well for the first time out and I got better the longer I was in the water.  I do need to work on making it all more proficient.  I still get tired at the end of each lap.  That improved as I swam, however.  I will keep working at it.

Good luck to me tomorrow and I won't stop moving forward!

Temperature: 74 degrees
Weather:  calm, scattered clouds
Motivation level: 9
Energy level: 9
Today's Quote: " The race belongs not only to the fastest and the strongest, but to those who don't stop running."

today's mileage: 500m swimming
weekly mileage: 500m swimming; 18 miles walking/hiking
monthly mileage: 3 miles running; 25 miles walking; 5 miles riding; 500m swimming
annual mileage: 126 miles running; 207 miles walking; 43 miles riding; .3125 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 357 miles