Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rachael's Track Practice

Yesterday I was going to meet Vardotrichic for a 8ish mile run, but the roads were bad so we didn't risk it.  As much as I really wanted to run with her, I was a smidge glad we didn't.  That was going to be the  coldest weather I had ever run in.  Instead, today Rachael had to get a run in for track.  I wanted to make this run anyway so we decided at supper to head to out.

Hmmm, heading out on a run right after you eat?  Maybe not one of our better ideas, but it was bitter cold nonetheless.  These temperatures I have at least run in before so I felt like I was ready for it.  Kinda.  Bill scared me into putting on multiple layers.  I felt like the abominable snowman headed out for a run.  I could hardly move!  I even had on long underwear!  I was plenty warm, probably could have left off a layer, but I'd rather be a bit warmer than too cold.

Rachael and I started with a slow warm up.  Oh wait, it was a 9:20 pace, not so slow.  Then we went to the track.  She had to do some fast laps so I figured she could run her little heart out and I could putts along and not get left behind.  Ha, well she did 7 laps and decided that just wasn't working.  We both hate running in circles, it's just one step above the dreadmill.  Rachael said at least she can watch a movie on the treadmill.  So, we left and she asked to do a fast run for the last 15 min.  OK.  I think I can.  She usually runs about a 7:00 pace in track.  Nope, not doing that, but I'll run what I can.  We had an 8:53 pace for the last couple miles.  Yeah, that felt great to finish those 5 miles!

Temperature: 19 degrees, wind chill 11
Weather:  sunny, light overcast, NW 13 mph winds gusting to 26 mph
Motivation level: 8
Energy level: 4
Today's Quote: Ran sounds better than run.

today's mileage: 5 mile running
weekly mileage: 10 miles running
monthly mileage: 10 miles running; walking 25 miles
annual mileage: 67 miles running; 51 miles walking; 0 miles riding; 0 miles swimming
TOTAL mileage: 118 miles

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